Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)

Family Support Program 

The Family Support Program provides children from birth to eighteen and their families with a variety of services including an in-home worker who can assist them with:

  • behavioural challenges
  • developmental growth
  • community access, and
  • respite care

A Family Support Coordinator will meet with a family to get to know the child and learn about their skills. This may include:

  • a review of the child’s history including medical and learning milestones
  • a review of service history to determine overlaps and gaps

The Coordinator and the family will then explore program options. Families can request one or more of our services, making choices that best meet their needs.

Triple P gives parents simple tips to help manage the big and small problems of family life. If the family determines that ASC is a good fit, the family and Family Support Coordinator will develop a plan for support. The plan will have specific goals and ways to review goals regularly. The Coordinator will assist the family in advocating for funding and for the desired services. Parents are encouraged to be involved in choosing an Outreach Worker.

Together with the family, the Family Support Coordinator will collaborate with schools and other professionals in order to best support the child. This includes advocating for services outside the family’s community. The Family Support Coordinator will also assist parents through the first steps of receiving adult services, before their child turns 18.

The Family Support Program is available in Olds, Didsbury, Sundre, Three Hills, Strathmore, Mountain View County, Kneehill County, Drumheller/Hanna, Southeast Rocky View area and Wheatland County.