Community Living
Community Living Supports
Community Living Supports assists adults with developmental disabilities to live in their home of choice. It provides options to help them live as independently as possible in their community and achieve their goals as identified in a person-centered individual support plan. Funding for services is generally provided through Disability Services with the Government of Alberta.
In and Out of Home Respite
Services that provide a break for primary caregivers on a temporary basis. Services may be provided in or out of a client’s home and may be provided on an hourly or daily basis. The frequency and duration of service depend on the needs of the client and caregiver.
Supported Independent Living
Support for people to live independently in their own homes in the community. Supports are provided on a regular or flexible schedule. Services are designed to assist with activities of daily living such as budgeting, home management skills, developing or maintaining social and community connections, self-advocacy skills, and support to access medical professionals.
24-hour Overnight Staffed Residences
Support for people to live in their own home or a home owned by Accredited Supports to the Community. These residences ensure a 24-hour staffing model including sleep and awake night support to meet the needs of the individuals’ accessing services.
Typically, these supports are provided in a shared living arrangement. Three homes owned by ASC are barrier-free.
Our staff assist individuals in their day-to-day tasks and routines, activities of interest, household management and personal care, medication administration, personal and accessible transportation, developing and maintaining social and community connections and self-advocacy. Staff offer assistance based on the individual’s abilities and needs, to ensure we are providing an adequate level of support.